13 October 2024


Two nations the Barony of Dryvwey and Bachyardia are in a Cold War. Recently both nations lost spy satellites that crashed within their neighbors borders. Your mission is to retrieve the five (5) data discs from your satellite scattered across your enemy nation's environs. But be warned a Double Agent has infiltrated your ranks and seeks to derail your mission and while trying to retrieve your discs you can be captured while within enemy borders.

  1. Three cones on each side of the impassable Home Mountain marks the borders to each country.
  2. A single cone within each country designates the palaces within each. Prisoners and recovered data discs are retained here.
  3. You can freely enter your neighboring nation. They can detain you by tagging you and you must show them your hands. If you have nothing in your hands they must let you go. If you are carrying a data disc you are captured and imprisoned. Data discs may only be carried in your hands. You may not touch, move or carry a data disc from a foreign country, only those from your spy satellite.
  4. If you find a data disc you may transport it with your hands and try to bring it back to your own territory. You may pass a data disc to an ally, even while imprisoned.
  5. In each country there are clues to where the data discs are hidden in enemy territory. These clues cannot be carried into enemy territory or reproduced. They can be freely moved around your territory. If left unguarded they may be viewed by the enemy agents. 
  6. The Double Agent may view the clues even if guarded. Double Agents can go in either territory. Double Agents cannot move or touch the discs of the nation they are pretending to be but could get discs from the country they are a member of.
  7. Double Agents are selected at random after teams have been divided evenly.
  8. If a player suspects that their teammate is the Double Agent then they may call an Emergency Summit. Game play halts and all free spies return to their home country. During the Emergency Summit a vote is held whether the accused is the Double Agent. If the Double Agent is correctly identified then they are imprisoned. If the player is misidentified as the Double Agent and they are not, then they are exiled and imprisoned in the enemy nation. An Emergency Summit can be held at any time.
  9. One player is required to guard the imprisoned enemy agents. More players can be used as guards to decrease the chances of a jail break. A jail break happens if at least one more opposing player than guards can reach the prisoners and tag them. Rescuers must return to their territory after freeing captives before they can do any other activities. Captives retain their data discs and could be recaptured prior to escaping to their home territory.

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